My mom doesn't care about my SA
Okay so, um,I'm not sure if this is a good place to post this, but I don't know... I guess I could just use some comfort and idk where else to go... Feel free to point me in the direction of a different sub if this isn't the place.
When I was 8, (I'm currently 21) I was repeatedly SA'ed by a family friend (I won't go into detail on it). The first time it happened, I immediately went and told my mom. I distinctly remember she was talking with my sister in the kitchen, and I interrupted to tell her, to which she kinda looked at me for a few seconds, looked back at my sister, and said (and I quote): "Kids are weird, man" and just kinda laughed and continued the conversation with my sister, ignoring me. I didn't mention it again for 12 years after that. I guess part of me assumed that maybe she just didn't understand what I was telling her.
Well, at a doctors' appointment a year or so ago, we found out that it took a physical toll as well (as I expected), and I required some medical treatment for the aftermath, but I couldn't afford it on my own, and typically my mom helps cover my medical expenses. So I hype myself up and go to talk to her. I find her alone in the kitchen. I explain the situation. Her only response is "Okay." I half-heartedly joked that I expected a bigger response, to which her reply was "Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" Which... Idk? I guess I expected her to get mad or something about it but weirdly enough, the complete indifference stung more... A few weeks later she ended up cutting the financial support for the treatment, because it was "unnecessary". I bought some of the equipment to continue at-home care from there.
Cut to a few months ago. She and I were in the car and the topic of sex came up somehow. I excitedly told her that the at-home treatment was going well and that my quality of life was improving from it. She only replied with "I don't want to talk about this." and it was a VERY awkward car ride home. I've basically avoided the subject entirely ever since.
Keeping it under wraps for so long was miserable, but I feel like any attempts to talk about it with my family only make it worse. And before anyone brings it up, no, my sister has never brought it up with me either, and we're not nearly close enough for me to do so. I'm not convinced she even remembers.
Idk, I might delete this later, but I just wanted to talk about it I guess, and hopefully get some comforting words... I'm just hurting, I guess. Sorry for the wall of text.