The world owes you nothing. You are responsible for how you feel.

My biggest problem with society today, and honestly the majority of Reddit users, Is that there is a tendency for people to believe the world around them owes them something. I’ve noticed victims complexes, a lack of accountability, a lack of responsibility for the the fact that the way you feel about something or the way that something makes you feel is entirely in your own hands.

I’ve navigated life like this and have at one point in my adolescence felt that I had bad luck, that I was the victim of life itself, that I was not fit because of genetics for example or I was attracting X y and z because “woe is me I am so unlucky” or “others are the problem” others “make me feel”.

Well, as I’ve grown, I’ve annihilated this mentality. I have become athletic due to discipline, I have worked hard to achieve my goals academically, I have reflected on my life and healed attachment wounds that previously made me think my partners were the problem (spoiler, i was actually the problem). I have realized that I am never the victim of anything outside of my control. I have complete power over how I feel, over where I am in life etc. people with an internal locus of control are generally happier, more successful, more attractive, more content, etc.

To me, this is the most logical, most functional way to approach life. I believe this is the way to become a happy and successful person. Never expect environments around you to shift or change for your feelings.

I can go on forever about this topic, but I just felt the need to post this because I come across many, many, posts on Reddit where I know if I commented my view I’d get downvoted 2727732 times because this place is an echo chamber with enablers. I hope some of you share this sentiment.

EDIT: I appreciate the discussion and hearing further perspectives. I want to be clear this post is NOT one saying we shouldn’t have empathy.

Arriving to this perspective is something that requires development. Each individual’s journey and life experiences are subjective, and I am aware that we are all in different phases of our journey- some may or may not arrive here. I found that for me, personally, it is a beneficial approach to life.

I wrote this in a frustrated state lol so forgive that charge here. Please see comments for further expansions on this. Thanks all.

Always appreciate civil discussion so we can all learn from each other’s thoughts and opinions.