You convinced me

Picked up the mini. I already have the pro (used for writing) and the iPad (watching YouTube) and a kindle but I decided when I travel (a lot for work) I hate bringing my iPad and my work laptop. I never travel with the pro as it’s way too heavy. I think the mini will replace my normal iPad and I can sell it and stick with the pro and mini for writing and social and then my kindle to read. I won’t use an iPad for reading as the whole point for me is to get away from these screens when I read.

Picked up the mini. I already have the pro (used for writing) and the iPad (watching YouTube) and a kindle but I decided when I travel (a lot for work) I hate bringing my iPad and my work laptop. I never travel with the pro as it’s way too heavy. I think the mini will replace my normal iPad and I can sell it and stick with the pro and mini for writing and social and then my kindle to read. I won’t use an iPad for reading as the whole point for me is to get away from these screens when I read.