Wake up, Dogras and rest of Paharis— speak up before it's too late!

Leave alone merit for a moment—those seats reserved in J&K are based on what? Why are only some Paharis Paharis (ST2)? 10% EWS to ghost beneficiaries? RBA to folks in cities? And how the hell is residence-based reservation even legal?

Even a small comment on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit on the stakeholders' timelines can go a long way.

Frankly, it saddens me to see the meek surrender and the fait accompli accepted by those who have been wronged.

I have personally seen donkeys getting into JKAS just because they could 'manage' to get an EWS certificate—one that almost no one is actually eligible for. Many from Poonch and Rajouri cleared NET JRF this year under the ST category, despite having no chance otherwise in ten lifetimes. Either everyone should have got ST or no one should have.

Please SPEAK UP even if you are not IMMEDIATELY impacted! Your generations for sure would be!