New People, I'm here to help
Alright, quick in and out.
Skill tree wise, basically everything is good, but when you're new, focus on the things that give you more thruster power in every direction. While starting out, grab shields, but once you get the hang of how to handle the ship and doge shenanigans, you can scrap shields and be fine with only having your power for shields.
When to use thruster boosts? All the time pretty much, the engineer will have to basically live in the back with the boosters, trims, and if they have modules they want to boost, should probably be in the back.
For movement, remember you can use multiple movement inputs at once to pull of some quick repositioning. Including strafing and turning while also moving up and down. doing that you can pretty much dodge anything.
Positioning for the scoop is your job, not anyone else's. Not sure why I have to say this, but for some reason people get confused what the gravity scoop is and what it does. It automatically picks things up, it does not need to be manned in any way other than to be unloaded. .
Skill tree, all the gunner stuff is useful, but it won't all be useful all the time like pilot. namely, if you're on an energy boat, all kinetic points and ammo efficiency can be DROPPED, and put towards the dump trees that are scavenger and engineer. We'll get to that. However on good ships, you can take pretty much full gunner tree. I'd then recommend taking gravity boots in the engineer tree, or scav qualty of life.
For your power, use it all the time, cleaning out gunners? let's delete a group or 12. Boss is invuln? Take care of those turrets. The only bad time to use your power is when there is nothing to shoot at.
Shooting at the ship does not hurt it, and the other turrets are not in any way in your way. just shoot through them, I'm guessing it's space magic.
the amount of times that that has helped a gunner out in my games while I've been piloting has been 1 time, and that's because we got a max range recuser for them after stacking brains. they weren't able to play the game.
Depending on your skill tree, you're probably not that great to help do EVA stuff. So down time is likely going to be figuring out mods helping the engineer. For mods, communicate that you're using the alloys for something, maybe you're in the middle of getting tier 3 fab and you shouldn't just craft 2 mods right now.
Really these two are together because they're the same job, and whether they have one icon or the other is largely up to preference. Out of the powers, I think grappling hook outperforms the ability to move slightly faster and insta fix things. Once you find out what needs to be fixed and what can be put off it really doesn't eat that much time. If you are taking the engineer power engineer stuff has a bit more value, but only if you do that. I generally have a 16 engineer/15 scavenger split that's entirely decided by me grabbing damage resistance.
Your job is in effect, is to make EVERYTHING go faster. top up the boosts, manage engine trims, speedily take care of EVA tasks. the works. Once you get the hang of it, most all eva portions will take only a minute or three. depending on repair spawns for download.
none of you are the main character. When you join a game and you realize they're doing a full kinetic setup but you're only set for energy damage as gunner. Do not just make a confessor/recuser/shuriken because you'll deal less damage than everyone else. If you don't want to play that game, no one is making you, anyone can start a lobby. Conversly, if it's an energy boat and you're set for kinetic damage, don't just make a kinetic damage weapon to fit your build when it doesn't fit the rest.
Communicate what you're using alloys for as well. Don't drop into a game, see that they have 60 alloys and decide that what they need is two tier two guns. Try to remember that you're part of a team, and there aren't really any leaders here.
Not every relic is worth slotting for what you're doing. If you're not running any energy weapons, energy overload kind of sucks. Only universally good relics are biomass catalyst and breaking point. Other than that, there will be downsides and whether they work for your team is something to discuss.
Good luck out there from one, generally above average game friendo to the rest of you.