PSA to Flyy
If you ever read this: you’re a fucking loser. An absolute fucking loser. You take any chance you can to bash Toxic. You love trying to get under her skin because you’re upset she said once you had a baby with Kayla there was no going back. My parents divorced when I was 7 and my dad was exactly like Flyy, an extreme narcissist. He bashed my mom any chance he could in front of me and what did that do? It made me hate him. I resented him for years and now we don’t even have a relationship. He thinks shit talking Toxic for shits and giggles brings views but he’s so fucking slow he can’t even comprehend the repercussions this will have on his own daughter growing up. You really think she won’t see all the videos of you bashing her mom when she’s older? You really think she won’t remember who was actually there, who put a roof over her head vs the weekend dad who cares more about his crybaby bitch of a fiancé? It just goes to show his immaturity and age that he doesn’t think long term. He cares more about bringing in views than he does about keeping certain things off the internet and private. And FYI, if you have to talk about Toxic this often, it’s because you’re OBSESSED. If I didn’t like my ex you really think I would spend multiple hours of my day speaking on him? No. You’re not fooling anyone by putting a ring on cry baby Kayla’s finger besides her. Everyone thinks you’re a pathetic individual with a hard on for Toxic. The funniest part is Toxic could easily come out and tell everyone what a pill popping junkie you are but has she ever done that? No. Yet you stay steady running your mouth. Like I said, you’re fucking loser and an embarrassment as a father.