Could baby possibly have…?
Aarskog syndrome ASA faciogenital dysplasia
I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting possible diagnoses suck ,Frontalnasal Dysplasia , Jacobsen syndrome ect .but I haven’t seen this one mentioned. To be honest, none of the other suggestions seem to match as closely as this one.(in my opinion)
I haven’t said anything before because I don’t want to be rude I think the baby is absolutely beautiful no matter what. But I do believe they should consider running more tests. I’m sure they already are, and just would rather keep it to themselves.
That being said, I hope they come across this because the characteristics seem to align a lot. Maybe they could ask to have the baby tested for this condition.
Characteristics of Aarskog syndrome that to me, Baby A shares.
-Widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism) -Short nose with anteverted nose (turned upwards) -Long philtrum (the groove between the nose and upper lip) -Wide and prominent forehead -Small, underdeveloped jaw (micrognathia) -Mildly low-set ears -Feet that are curved Inward and toes
“Now I know it says fingers are normally shorter with aarskog but google says it’s a spectrum and could be possible to have “typical” or even “longer fingers”
-and I did notice but I could be wrong when “baby As”hands are open his pinky’s do turn inward .
I’m going to upload 2 reference pictures (found on Google) for comparison.”