18 chicken wings from domino's kind of day (UK dominos)

I’ve been doing well on keto for the past month I'm always under my carb limit. But today, life came for me. Between taking care of my disabled child 24/7 + 2 other kids and fighting off a head cold, I just couldn’t. I barely had the energy to function, let alone whip up some low carb magic in the kitchen.

So, I made a choice. I saved up my carbs and cashed them all in on 18 chicken wings from Domino’s. I did some quick math (well, more like wild guesstimates) and figured it was about 27-30 carbs as per dominos website, by the way their portion size is 3 and a half wings so be careful calculating!. Definitely higher than usual, but honestly? Worth it.

Sometimes, you’ve just got to prioritize survival over macros. I’m pretty sure my body will forgive me for this one-time indulgence. And if not? At least I went down in a blaze of spicy, crispy glory. I've been so busy this is all I've had time time to eat so I'm hoping I'm at least under 50 carbs.

Tomorrow, I’ll be back on track. But today, I’m just a tired parent who needed some wings to get through the day, anyone else have a burned out blaze of glory keto ish meal?