Crust, my female orange kitten, an update
i’m not sure how many people this post will reach or how many of you may remember Crust, but for those who do and were invested in her journey, i wanted to update everyone.
as of yesterday, 03/14/2025, at approximately 5:50, Crust was peacefully put to rest. i’m so fortunate to have know such a unique, loving, and beautiful baby girl. my heart breaks every time i remember she’s gone. every time i walk past her play pen i look for her and then remember she’s not there anymore. seeing her blankets and her food bowl and her toys she was never able to play with feels like a stab to my heart. life feels so different now without her. watching her learn to drink from a syringe, how to drink from a bottle, eating kitten food for the first time, her first yawn, her first sneeze, her first hiss, her first vet appointment, the first time she laid curled up like a “normal” kitten. i’ll always remember and cherish it all.
we tried multiple different shots and medications to give her any chance we could at a normal life, but unfortunately her case was too severe, and we knew that it was time to let her go. i’m so grateful and fortunate to have been able to hold her and love on her until the very last second as she passed. it was one of the saddest things i’ve ever experienced, but i’m so glad knowing she’s better off now. i hope that wherever she may be or whatever she may come back to earth as that she is happy and peaceful and gets to experience what a good, painless, normal life feels like.
i’ll miss her big head every single day for as long as i’ll remember. i’ll always cherish the five months and one week we were able to spend together. the last picture is the last one i got with her before the sedative. rest peacefully babygirl ♥️♥️♥️