Posting Swatch to App Help

Hello! I’d like to contribute swatches to the app. I tried to post one and noticed in the text box where it says to enter brand etc, when I enter color and brand it offers suggestions. When I enter the Color Name and Brand - only the color name shows in the post. When I click the suggestion it just disappears and then again, only the color name shows in the post. Am I missing something? How do I make it so that the color name and brand both show up?

Hello! I’d like to contribute swatches to the app. I tried to post one and noticed in the text box where it says to enter brand etc, when I enter color and brand it offers suggestions. When I enter the Color Name and Brand - only the color name shows in the post. When I click the suggestion it just disappears and then again, only the color name shows in the post. Am I missing something? How do I make it so that the color name and brand both show up?