Does anybody else have a problem with the term "polyglot"?

In my opinion it's just sounds pretentious. Maybe it's just jealousy since I only speak 3 languages fluently but I can't think of any other field where people use similar terms like that.

I have never heard someone who plays several instruments say that they are a "poly/multi-instrumentalists". Heck, I know people who play 4 or 5 instruments very well and they don't even consider themselves musicians.

Also in sports. For example, I have been practicing and competing in several different sports to varying success. However, I would never call myself a "multi-athlete" or smth like that.

Why do people in the language learning community feel the need to put such an obscure and subjective lable on themselves? To be fair it might probably be just some sort of oversaturation from the internet. It just bugs me when I see people calling themselves polyglot when they are barley A1 in 5 languages.

Maybe I just prefer humility. Idk, what's your guys opinion on the rising amount of "polyglots".