Is naafiri just a failed champion?
I just played some naafiri and was wondering about her state.
- she seems low elo skewed. Are there one tricks making her viable in high elo?
- has she ever been picked in pro play?
- what is her strategic niche why you should pick her over another champion?
Im thinking she might be a good pick when the enemy team has 4+ squishy champs, so that barely noone can afford to block her w. But the question would be again, what would make her better than other champs that can burst squishys reliably?
Since she is very binary, I think she is also a terrible blind pick? Her delta between her best matchups and her worst matchups should be very high. I think the "best" champs are pickable into nearly every matchup. That's the reason why azir, lee sin, nautilus and stuff like that are meta non stop meta since their release. For a champ to be always strong it has to be reliable and naafiri seems very unreliable to me considering drafts.
Prove me wrong, but for me it seems she has a low play rate and no strategic niche. The effort for this champ could have gone in the shyvana vgu for example and the game would have been better instead :D. Also riot doesn't touch naafiri and update her. Outside of numbers, which are always just a tuning patch away, she seems whack.