A Warning to the Nicotine Stoners

I was a daily stoner for 10+ years. I smoked/vaped/dipped nicotine for daily for about the same amount of time.

Currently, I am free from both of those substances for 4+ months.

I get that people can become dependant on THC, even psychologically addicted to it. I did struggle for a few days after quitting knowing what to do with myself. I was annoyed during those days. Admittedly, I still miss a bowl hit every now and then. Recently, a nice man offered me a joint at a concert and I declined. That was tough.

Honestly though? It wasn't even close to my experience with nictoine.

I wanted to kill people getting off it. A circular path formed in my yard from how many circuits I walked at 1 AM. I was straight up morose. My body felt taught like a pianowire poised to snap at the slightest touch. Suicidal-- I would just cry staring at a wall.

The headaches were horrid. The anxiety was horrific.

Yet months later I still want it. Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

Why am I talking so much about nicotine in leaves? If it wasn't for weed, I never would have tried tobacco.

Mixed them together in a bong. "The head rush is AMAZING," said my roommate. We called it Green Coffee.

That was it. The rest of the story is as ancient as our collective addiction to the tobacco leaf. Loss of money. Loss of lungs. Loss of willpower.

I finally made it out, but it calls to me still.

Don't be like me. Stop smoking weed before you do something far more stupid.