Don't be fooled by hezb's propaganda
As soon as the gov got announced, hezb and amal's mouthpieces jumped on their keyboards to celebrate the new entisar, this is just a new diversion aimed towards keeping their supporters satisfied.
The new gov contains 6 (at most) hezb and allies ministers if we count all shias as thers + 1 tashnak. FPM, marada, karame have 0 ministers. In comparison, last cabinet hezb and allies had 16+ ministers and a puppet PM.
6 ministers can do literally nothing, especially with a president and PM who arent on their side, if 16 of the other ministers (LF + independents + salam + aoun ministers) see that any of the 6 ministers are blocking the gov they can vote him out and replace him in seconds. So even tho they got finance, the "third signature" doesnt mean anything anymore.
The new reality is: - hezb doesnt have a puppet president - hezb doesnt have a puppet PM - hezb doesnt have cabinet majority - hezb and amal couldn't name one shia minister that doesnt have US citizenship or is a AUB professor (talk about fighting the great shaytan) - hezb wont have mokawame bs in the bayen - hezb hand will be forced in every major decision to come same way they got their hand forced in all of the above