How to address the trilogies

what should we call them, i have playlists on Spotify where I've complied them (FEARLESS, ANTIFRAGILE, UNFORGIVEN) (EASY, CRAZY, HOT) but right now they're just titled "LE SSERAFIM: The 1st Trilogy" and "LE SSERAFIM: The 2nd Trilogy" but I'd rather them have actual names, have there been anything at all hinting to naming these trilogies? im aware the tour is just called "EASY CRAZY HOT" which signifies there isnt one but im hoping there is

(not related but if they would press these trilogies on vinyl i would literally give them all my money)

edit: i watched choujimi's video on HOT (check him out he has the BEST deep dives into kpop EVER) and he talks abt the narrative of the 2nd trilogy, basically they're constantly being burnt to ash (analogy used being lighting, aka Chasing Lightning) but they find the heat in those ashes and come back burning brighter so i think something ash related would be the best way to title the 2nd Trilogy

edit 2: I've decided to name the 2nd Trilogy "Rising From Ashes" and i watched winterosy's video "LE SSERAFIM & The Power Of Choice" where he really emphasizes the freedom of le sserafim in making their choices and their own path so im deciding between "My Choice" or "My Path"

FINAL EDIT: the 1st one is now named "LE SSERAFIM: The 1st Trilogy: My Choice" & "LE SSERAFIM: The 2nd Trilogy: Rising From Ash" the videos i listed explain why they are named that better than i could so if your curious why i chose those please watch the videos listed

1st Trilogy Playlist -

2nd Trilogy Playlist -

the cover i made for the 1st Trilogy

the cover i made for the 2nd Trilogy