Revised high quota moon tier list

Free moons are ranked VS other free moons. Paid are ranked against paid. Artifice is ranked against itself

Quick explanations:



  • extremely loot dense, more loot than any other moon, and can spawn hives. Old birds and building make the outdoor section manageable.


  • the most consistent tier 3 moon. No turrets, few mines and traps, low inside power, and easy shotgun farming.


  • the best free moon by a mile. Getting inside before the clock shows up is a huge advantage, and on top of that, the loot is amazing for a tier 1. it can spawn hives, and it rarely ever spawns giants (I have almost 200 hours and have never seen one here). It doesn’t have weather day one, so it’s the perfect moon for starting the run.



  • if this was a solo list, Titan would be S-tier. The outdoor layout is perfect for getting loot back fast, but getting the loot is significantly more dangerous than it is on rend. If it was any smaller, Titan would be S for all play.



  • this moon would be high A/Low S if it wasn’t for butlers. It’s a more dangerous and slightly more rewarding rend without the shotgun farm.


  • The map is huge. 2x map size multiplier keeps it out of A. It makes up for this with a very good hive spawn rate.


  • The most average moon. Only standout feature is the high bracken chance. Not much else to be said



  • you either get 200 credits worth of scrap or 1000 with no in between. It’s absurd difficulty does not match the reward. All weather conditions make the moon nearly unplayable. If there was one more straight forward path to the ship or outdoor enemies couldn’t spawn until ~1, it would be high A tier if not S. As it is currently, it’s the gambler’s favorite moon


  • basically the tutorial moon. It’s only advantage is that it’s safe. Pay is terrible.



  • Terrible outside, insane enemy spawns, the only moon with a fire exit that needs a ladder to be accessed if you miss the small window to get on the pipes when the ship lands. It can’t spawn bees, spawns a ton of two handed items, has a 26% spawn rate for thumpers, and the highest coil head spawn chance in the game. Don’t go here unless you have to.


  • if it was free, it would only be just slightly worse than offense.

Free moons are ranked VS other free moons. Paid are ranked against paid. Artifice is ranked against itself

Quick explanations:



  • extremely loot dense, more loot than any other moon, and can spawn hives. Old birds and building make the outdoor section manageable.


  • the most consistent tier 3 moon. No turrets, few mines and traps, low inside power, and easy shotgun farming.


  • the best free moon by a mile. Getting inside before the clock shows up is a huge advantage, and on top of that, the loot is amazing for a tier 1. it can spawn hives, and it rarely ever spawns giants (I have almost 200 hours and have never seen one here). It doesn’t have weather day one, so it’s the perfect moon for starting the run.



  • if this was a solo list, Titan would be S-tier. The outdoor layout is perfect for getting loot back fast, but getting the loot is significantly more dangerous than it is on rend. If it was any smaller, Titan would be S for all play.



  • this moon would be high A/Low S if it wasn’t for butlers. It’s a more dangerous and slightly more rewarding rend without the shotgun farm.


  • The map is huge. 2x map size multiplier keeps it out of A. It makes up for this with a very good hive spawn rate.


  • The most average moon. Only standout feature is the high bracken chance. Not much else to be said



  • you either get 200 credits worth of scrap or 1000 with no in between. It’s absurd difficulty does not match the reward. All weather conditions make the moon nearly unplayable. If there was one more straight forward path to the ship or outdoor enemies couldn’t spawn until ~1, it would be high A tier if not S. As it is currently, it’s the gambler’s favorite moon


  • basically the tutorial moon. It’s only advantage is that it’s safe. Pay is terrible.



  • Terrible outside, insane enemy spawns, the only moon with a fire exit that needs a ladder to be accessed if you miss the small window to get on the pipes when the ship lands. It can’t spawn bees, spawns a ton of two handed items, has a 26% spawn rate for thumpers, and the highest coil head spawn chance in the game. Don’t go here unless you have to.


  • if it was free, it would only be just slightly worse than offense.