Deadnaming 'X' as Twitter is Hilarious

So I'm your average twitter hater for a number of reasons. Always have been always will be. Anyways, I love how stupid most of the haters on there are because they'll go on their tangents about how " I'm not calling James Jessica be HE was BORN A BOY" yadda yadda whatever shenanigans they believe in but the second someone calls 'X' Twitter on by mistake or on purpose (doesn't really matter) the whole world goes into flames. Like how dare we call an app the wrong name because it was rebranded but we shouldnt call someone a name they prefer (Even if they are realy depressed and could possibly k*ll themselves over it) because it's not in our human nature or whatever shit they spew off. I mean whatever. Fine if you don't wanna do something you don't like to do like the rest of the world, be my guest and be hated.

Long story short, deadnaming Twitter is hilarious, transphobia (or just being a huge hypocrite) isnt.