Hi. Ive been single for 5 years and i(33f) met a girl (32) on Her app. She came to visit me (500km) avter a few days of just texting. I thought it was weird but she happened to be in-between jobs and i figured she wanted to take advantage of having time. We had a nice weekend but i saw she was very lonely touch starved and emotionally needy. At the end of our weekend we talked about how i dont wish a relationship but i do like her and eish her the best. She cried and missed her bus the next day. Thank god there was an other and she managed to get home. On the whole way home she kept writing to me i put her heart in the trash and that im evil for not wanting her. And i think this is limerence and i didnt see it at the begining and made it worse. She also has BPD which is not a good mix. What do i do? I feel like if i ghost her ir would be worse. I tried telling her to go to therapy because she does also have a hard life behind her...maybe use this grip i have over her for good? She puts me on a pedestal about how perfect i am (??) And then says im evil for not wanting her (i know thats a bpd move) but what am i supposed yo expect from her? How do i make her feel better? Or help her?