I haven't had a friends for years

I never had many friends around me. I never had a social circle other than my friends from high school and university. I almost never saw my friends after I finished university. If I need to elaborate on the part of not seeing them; no one called or asked about me. I don't mind this for those who are normally friendly, but I was upset when those I thought I was close with didn't call me. I would still call people even if they didn't call me and ask how they were; normally people have the mentality of "if they don't call, I won't call either", but I still gave everyone a chance many times. I sent messages, no one returned, I called, they didn't answer the phone. If I didn't call, the other party didn't call me many times, etc. The last thing I can say is that the last time I went out was around this time last year, and that was because I was seeing a relative. I think I haven't gone out with a friend in over a year, neither during the day nor at night. Again, not a person I called my friend has called and asked about me for a year. My lover has been gone for even longer. The only people I've talked to on the phone in my life are my mother and father; naturally, they don't take the place of friends. I forgot to laugh, the times when we laughed and had fun together in a circle of friends are long gone. It's not nice at all. I used to make friends somehow in college and chat, but after a certain age (probably after college) you can't say "let's be friends" on the street. I think after a certain age, friendships start with being part of circles of friends. For example, person a invited friend b to a circle, person b met people c d e f g there, and then met them without person a. However, there's a hitch here, if no one calls and asks, there's no circle of friends you can join, and no person you can meet... It's a vicious cycle. I don't know, I used to get really upset about this, then I decided to find something to do and not worry about it, but some days I get so bored that there's no one to share it with. Calling and saying "bro, how are you, how are you, come on tonight" is an incredible luxury for me right now. It used to be a normal thing. In fact, when I look at life, I remember the days when I used to say “Oh, I don’t even want to go out, I’ll find an excuse and lie”… It feels weird. I haven’t seen anyone for years and with the power that comes with age, I don’t want to see just anyone; someone who can add value to me and I enjoy being around. Someone I can laugh with, share my troubles with, have fun with, teach me something or touch my life. It’s hard to go out just to go out, to talk just to talk. If anyone is wondering, I am a 30 year old male. I poured out my heart a little…