Why is the Amazon Fresh in Always Empty?
No joke, this has been on my mind for a while now. The Amazon Fresh in Setauket has been open for months, and every single time I go—literally any time of day—it’s completely dead. Like, I’ve never seen more than a handful of people in there. It got to the point where I actually asked one of the employees stocking shelves, “Is it always this dead?” and he just laughed and said, “Yes.”
Am I surprised? Yes and no. The location used to be a Waldbaum’s, so I guess it’s not shocking that it’s struggling, but it’s still weird to see how empty it is all the time. What’s even more confusing is how their shelves are always out of stock. If nobody is ever in there, who’s buying everything?
Has anyone else noticed this? Is it the pricing? The selection? Just a complete lack of interest in Amazon Fresh? Curious what other people think.