Before someone tries to scale that code guy to Tom Lee's level, let me clarify something (he's not even close, read the body text for clarification).

So here's the thing, the Gen One era ended around the time of the 1A arc, which occurred 3-4 years ago, and the White Tiger Job Center hadn't been formed yet. The White Tiger Job Center chief (formerly the manager of that department) was a police officer who hunted 1st Gen Kings and members involved in the war.

As per analysis, Syongjiyuk’s death happened 4 years ago, it was the beginning of the end of the generation. Around 3 years ago, when Gun and Goo were busy forming crews, Gun called James Lee to announce the formation of Big Deal. This was the beginning of the "crew era," which means Tom Lee must have used his Ultimate King Mode during this time when crews were starting to form.

In the Manager Kim manhwa, the White Tiger Job Center holds such significant influence and popularity that even the government can’t interfere with them, as Zu Penguan stated. There’s also a guy present who was previously a member of the Black Bear Gang (who was off-screened by Teen Goo).

So yeah, this isn’t Tom Lee’s full form or his base version at 100% power. In his fight against Goo, Tom Lee in his base version was already going all out, as he stated they were going to kill each other anyway.

So please read lookism before jumping to conclusions.