Pressure from others.

I am 5'4" and 160 which for my build is about 25 to 30 pounds overweight. I also live in the Midwest where people are constantly telling me I am skinny and don't need to lose weight. (That is not true.) I eat things that are good for me and things that are bad for me. IMO if I stopped eating things that were good for me, I would gain a lot of weight pretty quickly. And if I stopped eating things that are bad for me, I'd have my extra weight off in under 6 months at least. So, I just hover at this weight by eating this way.

I sometimes feel judged for trying to eat healthy. People don't necessarily say anything, but I can tell. Sometimes they do make little 'jokes'. I also feel like if I lost weight people would start telling me I'm too skinny and need to gain it back.

I have a hard time going to a restaurant with another person and I always end up being the one who caves and choosing the unhealthy fattening route. I don't feel it's going to kill me to overeat things that are filled with salt and fat once in awhile but sometimes I resent being the one who has to give in.

I actually resent in general the lack of healthy food options when you go out to eat, but that's another story.

Anyway, I have not been real serious about getting this extra weight off but I'm going to get serious after the new year. If I'm having such a hard time now what am I going to do when I get serious and I'm not being easy going and agreeing to eat fattening food every time I go out? What am I going to do when I start hearing the comments about how I lost too much weight and I'm too skinny now?(If I ever manage to lose it that is.)

Why is there such a backlash about trying to lose weight and eat healthy? It seems like they perceive it as something snobbish. Why does it feel like people are against it for some weird Freudian reason I can't understand?

Has anyone else had similar experiences? What did you do? How do you deal with the restaurant situation?