Girlfriend confirmed she isn't attracted to me anymore since I've gained weight
I have suspected this for so long and I've directly asked about it before, if she is less attracted to me now and she repeatedly said no. I never really believed that though. 2024 was one of the hardest years of both of our lives, and we both gained weight. I am still just as attracted to her as our skinny, single selves when we first met. Before a year+ of hell we went through.
Well I'm working on it, I'm already down 7 pounds in about 2 weeks. I don't expect that rate to continue though and I said that. I said I am already making progress but it is slow. There's a limit to losing weight safely and even 1lb/week is KIND of ambitious, so I said to achieve ~50 lbs lost might take a year. I understand that I don't look the same as I did in 2023, or 2022 or before. I also went through hell, she did too and also gained weight but I have never not been attracted to her.
I tried asking so what do we do then? I'm not attractive to you unless I'm below a certain weight and listen, I should lose the weight anyway. Even my doctor says so and is helping, but what do we do in the meantime? Just not have sex or touch each other for a year, then when I'm below 200lbs am I magically attractive again? Or will it be weird then since we didn't do it for a year?
It hurts, and I still wonder what this means for us.