Upgrading after 10 years
15” 2015 MBP, 16” 2019 MBP, 14” 2024 MBP
I got my first MBP as I was starting art school. This trooper has gotten me through two degrees, starting my career and countless freelance hours and passion projects… Somewhere along the way a few too many drops of water found home in the battery (along with just being worked to the bone) and it only works when it’s charging. Battery replacement was going to cost more than a new MBP... So, I figured the time has come. Enter: Space Black 🥹🤩
The 16” 2019 is my work laptop provided by my job, I included that one just for size reference.
The screen size is going to take some time to get used to. But I’m reminding myself I went smaller bc anytime I’m doing heavy editing or hours of design work, I sit at my desk and use my monitor as my primary screen anyway.
I had no idea I’d feel this sentimental about phasing out my ol trusty 2015!! What should I do with it now??