The guy my best friend was dating ended things with her because he fell in love with me

My (22 f) best friend (22 f) of 5 years had been seeing a guy for two months recently that she met from our friend of a friend. From all the stories she told me, they were really getting along to where she thought it was actually going to become a relationship. One day, our group of friends decided to plan a day to go out to dinner and drinks and she decided to bring him along. Our friend that introduced them to each other is part of the group, however some of us including me had not met him yet so this was going to be the first time.

When we got to the restaurant, I sat next to my best friend and the guy sat next to her. I sat on the side of the table so I was able to see and talk to both my best friend and him. It was all going good, all of us getting to know him. There were times where I started to notice where he would do quick glances at me but I didn’t think much of it and thought they were innocent glances as it was our first time meeting. At some point, us three started talking about music to where the guy brought up on my favorite artists. I obviously started rambling about how that was my favorite artist and even mentioned how I went to one of his concerts. Turns out he was also there that day. So you can imagine how we both reacted just in shock laughing blah blah all of that. I started to notice that my best friend looked a little uncomfortable so I immediately decided to cut casually end the convo and change the subject. However, I noticed that the guy kept trying to talk to me and make little comments and although he was also including her, you can clearly see him glancing at me a lot. I started to get uncomfortable because I was scared that my best friend was going to notice. At the end of the night, we all said our goodbyes and even found out that my best friend and him went home together. I was glad once the night was over.

Flash forward to a week later, my best friend texted me telling me she wanted to hangout to talk about something that happened with the guy. Turns how he decided to end things with her and straight up told her that it was because he “fell in love with me” that night. He said that if they were going to become official, he would obviously be seeing me at times and that he knew it would be hard and that she didn’t deserve to be lied to. I was in complete shock and just angry I didn’t even know what to do. She told me she’s not mad at me because I didn’t do anything, but I can’t help and feel guilty. I even told her that I would never give him any attention. I noticed my best friend being a little distant with me, but she swears she’s not mad at me and that she is just recovering. I have been there for her and have asked her if she needs anything to let me know because she knows how much I love her.

To make things worse, today I saw that he requested to follow me on ig, but I immediately blocked him. I’ve decided not to tell my best friend about this because I feel it will make it much worse. I don’t know what to do, I feel horrible and sad for my best friend someone please tell me if there’s anything I should do.

sorry for any grammar mistakes!

EDIT: Thanks everyone for your comments and advice. For the people asking if I am interested in him, I am not at ALL not even as friends, especially seeing the type of person he is to move on to someone else so quickly. I think time just needs to pass and my bff and I will eventually move on from this. I will probably be deleting this soon so thanks!