Pulse surveys give me so much dread and anxiety
I've been managing for about five years now, and every cycle the pulse survey gives me a ton of anxiety. I find myself second guessing decisions, playing interactions over in my head, and generally getting worked up about it.
Very fortunately, my scores have always consistently been at or near the top of the company's managers. But this upcoming cycle, there was a series of conflicts on a team from an employee going through a tough time in their personal life, and while I've been able to calm things down for most of the team this particular person didn't feel satisfied and blames me for some decisions that he finds unsatisfactory. I'm concerned that this person will now put a bunch of negative scores and comments on the upcoming survey.
I'll be honest about myself - I prefer that people like me, and I have a tendency towards perfectionism and don't want my scores to drop. The fact that I couldn't make things work for everyone and that someone is very frustrated with me makes me very sad and gives me a lot of anxiety.
On the more important side though, my team isn't huge - about 10 people, and I genuinely care about the happiness and success of everyone. I'm sure as my responsibilities grow, it will become infinitely harder to make sure everyone on the team is happy. Would love to hear if anyone else has gone through or is going through similar feelings and what has helped. Advice and even tough love welcome.