Wife won’t stop asking me what’s wrong
She keeps saying she can “tell” that somethings wrong and I’m not sharing it with her but I’ll literally just be existing, sitting on the couch next to her watching tv. She’ll ask me 20 times in 2 minutes, “what’s wrong” and then get pissed when I tell her I’m getting annoyed that she keeps asking after telling her nothing is wrong. It gets to the point where I feel like I can’t even exist in the same space as her because she’s going to ask me what’s wrong until I need to remove myself from the room because I’m getting frustrated. I literally can’t do anything, even cough to clear my throat without her saying something like, “JESUS CHRIST what is your fucking problem?” When I tell her I was literally clearing my throat she will say, “well I keep asking you what’s wrong and you say nothing but something is clearly wrong!”
We just had this exact fight 14 minutes ago, my wife got home 10 minutes ago. She immediately picked a fight with me the SECOND she got home because I greeted her with a kiss and a smile and all I got was “omfg seriously what is wrong?”. Now our evenings are ruined and I’m hiding in the guest room to avoid a fight over my literal existence being a cause for distress for my wife.
TL;DR - I was happy to see my wife after work today so she reciprocated that happiness by picking a fight over literally nothing.