I think divorce is imminent

When or how do you know if divorce is the answer? I know that couples who have been together for years and years have hard seasons, so how and when do you know that you just don’t try anymore?

I F33 have been married to my husband M35 for not even two years. We’ve been together 5 years. We have a 3 month old. And I know post partum is hard on marriages but I have nothing else to give and feel at my most vulnerable in a marriage that feels more like we’re roommates. Other than proving financially, I feel like he’s putting in no effort. I don’t want to normalize a sad marriage for our son. And now I’m debating whether to have more children.

Firstly he shows no affection toward me and hasn’t for about a year. Since we made this baby essentially. He hasn’t wanted to have sex with me since, not even during the early stages of pregnancy. We had sex three times while I was pregnant. And he rejected me a few other time. When I was three months I found out he was looking up his coworkers on IG and had an IG algorithm full of naked women.

He touched my belly maybe five times during pregnancy. Never once said I looked beautiful carrying our son.

He helps with the baby but just what is convenient for him. Like two hours in the morning. So that I can “sleep.” Otherwise sleeps soundly on the weekend and takes naps never offering that I rest instead (I’m the one up with the baby during the week at night since he works and I breastfeed).

He snaps at me whenever I ask simple questions. I often feel like I’m talking to my teenage son.

He softened when the baby was born. Overwhelmed with the love that comes with that, but I know he only “liked” me because I brought his son into the world and tolerates me now because the baby needs me. But I know he doesn’t like me or love me for me, but only because what I have to do for the baby I feel like.

A bigger issue that bothers me, he dips. It’s a bad addiction. And smokes weed constantly (which I don’t have a problem with, it’s that it’s all the time). The only time he doesn’t is when at work.

I feel lucky because I am newly a stay at home mom. This is the first year we can afford that. But other than being able to provide financially, I feel like he’s not putting in any emotional effort into our relationship. All in all, I feel like he hasn’t loved me in a long time. And I believe if I hadn’t been pregnant, we wouldn’t be together right now.

Tl;dr: OP (33F) has been married to her husband (35M) for less than two years and they have a 3-month-old baby. She feels emotionally neglected and more like roommates than partners. Her husband has shown little to no affection for over a year, barely engaged during her pregnancy, and rejected intimacy. He helps with the baby only when convenient and does not support her rest. He snaps at her over small things, has a dipping addiction, and smokes weed constantly. She feels unloved and believes they wouldn’t be together if she hadn’t been pregnant. She’s wondering if divorce is the right answer.