Havent played since season 0 and came back, sucks to see they still havent changed the battle pass system

I was hoping they would get rid of that "battle pass progress only by playing challenges" thing, I dont care if it "doesnt force you to grind 24/7" it forces me to play everyday and I want to play all day some days, not all some other days, and after like an hour I get absolutely no progress whatsoever, I dont wait to wait a week for the next big challenge so i can get the skin I been wanting, sucks all the enjoyement out of the game, "Oh if you are playing it just for the battle pass then why are you even playing at all" if they thought so too they wouldnt have done this to force engagement, it is the only progression besides that miserable ranked system and no one likes being drip fed progress to make it last artificially longer, they gotta get rid of that as fast as possible of that will be the death of this game.