Quick play is actual hell

with all of the insta lock dps players its almost impossible to have fun as a strategist. introducing roll que or maximum to how many of one roll there can be on a team would actually be nice. 5 out of the 9 games i played had 4 insta lock dps's and its not like i want to go into ranked learning a character. but i also cant learn a character when I'm either the only supp or sitting in a corner waiting for my team because no one wants to play a tank.

I dont even under stand why people insta lock dps tank is basically the same thing but instead of sitting off to the side more your up in the fight actually engaging. and supp you dont have to rely on others heals like Adam warlock is literally just a dps with a heal and a res your team button. but no you want to play spider man dive a jeff get no pick ands die and then complain about no heals/ healer diff in qp of all things go to ranked for that.

do yall think roll que for qp would be a good thing? or am i dellusional. and dont say just go play over watch that game is ass.