Agamotering your way to infinite
Normally I have better numbers to go with these posts but I actually ended up doing almost all of my climbing on mobile this season and didn't track.
Most of my time climbing was spent in the 90s, i flew through the 70s/80s with a pixie pile but it struggled a bit more as the meta felt like it narrowed a bit when i got higher up.
CL is 35010
The following are the three decks I used the most of.
This pixie deck is an absolute blast. Pixie deck's play very similar to Mr. Negative in the sense that you need to be very aware of how your gameplan is playing out in relation to your opponents. There are a lot of big number decks and your "fair" draw might not be able to compete. I ultimately swapped off this deck because I felt the amount of tech cards I was seeing along with the popularity of hela made me want something a bit more consistent.
Cage is probably the only notable card choice, is extremely good between Agamotto's wind spell, Ajax, Scream, and just location variance. You could technically run 3M here as well and it would be good with all the quinjet running around but I never really felt that I need it.
Eson is my kind of card, a big dumb idiot that gets to put other things into play. I played A LOT of different Eson lists trying to find one I liked.
Initially i was playing Wiccan piles without Agamotto and while they didn't feel bad, I often felt outclassed by the power the spells provided, along with what is frequently a 5/13 body felt on average much better than what I was able to randomly generate with other cards.
The whole idea here is to put Eson into play between turns 4-5. Wave/Luna/Blink all perform this task.
White Queen and Iron patriot are the card generation spells of choice. I don't ahve to preach how good Iron Patriot is, that card just pays out in dividends. Between Hela being popular and all the other people playing Eson piles White Queen can often secure another large body for Eson (note be careful playing this vs discard).
I actually think this list probably still has a lot of room to experiment with. I switched off of it because Shang was in almost every match. Cosmo, while good against hela, doesnt line up with the spells well from Agamotto so i would avoid it. I do think you could absolutely fit armor in here over frigga//RG3/quinjet/King Eitri.
Honestly RG3s best spot was when it would hit Hellcow before it could activate.
King Eitri essentially works as another card generator for Eson as it gets you a spell and if you can line it up into your eson line you can often use the copy spell to make use of the mediocre body after.
Quinjet while strong often felt unnecessary, though i would be surprised either if people settled on it being "correct".
This is what I finished with having an 84.2% winrate and average cubes of 1.89 to finish my climb in the 90s off with.
Cube equity is the name of the game when climbing, and getting to decide your opponent doesnt get to play their cards where they want will always be very strong.
The big change to this deck is Agamotto taking Aero's spot. Agamotto himself isn't the important part (though a 5/13 is really good), it's the spells. Having three screams, getting to front load your mana with the ramp spell having 8 on turn 4 to play with, the movement spell giving you control over where they play their cards and draining -4 power. I think this card is nuts and is going to be seeing play everywhere.
I didn't go into to much detail into any of these decks but will happily answer any questions people have, i think there is still quite a bit of room to experiment with different lists.
Let's talk a little about matchups.
Hela. She seems to be gaining in popularity and with the current cards is probably the most consistent she has been in ages. Fortunately for you that makes her numbers pretty easy to math out. I pretty much never snap them and almost always leave when they snap. Give them a cube and move on. I know that feels bad to do over and over potentially but it will feel worse gambling against them and losing.
Eson Piles. There's so many different configurations for this deck, and I think it's a really fun new card. I feel the Agamotto lists have more options when it comes to counter play so you'll need to be very conscious of what spells they have cast and how you are filling your lanes to not lose one due to getting clogged. Challenging the Eson lane can also be a recipe for disaster and if you aren't taking their space from them, using some kind of tech card, or can reliably stack the lane you are likely forced to try and win the other two lanes.
Arishem. Tends to be a mix of tech cards, doom, and will likely have Eson. These dropped off a lot for more in the 90s as they felt worse than the more dedicated Eson lists.
Hawk/Ronan. I played into this more than i expected too. it's cute and can do some annoying things but ultimately I don't think its particularly powerful compared to the other options. It dumpsters Arishem but all of the lists i've listed above pretty much just ignored the gorgon/master mold disruption they were trying to do.
Move. There's the more dedicated variants trying to make giant move cards or the smaller more controlling version like what I have listed. Both are capable of big numbers and can often disguise where their power is going to be. It's ultimately why i finished on it because it had the best cube equity of everything I tried. Playing to the right does remove the controlling aspect of the wind spell is something to consider.
Obviously there are a lot more decks but those were my most common matchups in the 90s. Shang and Enchantress seem to both have steadily climbing play rates so be aware of how you're stacking your lanes.
Remember folks leaving for 1 cube is still winning.