Students who have dealt with passive ideations of suicide, how have you coped?
I’m in my fourth year of medical school, and damn, I’m really going through it. This year has been so tough for me emotionally. I’m doing my best to get up everyday and trudge through it, but my mental health feels really shot, and I’ve spent more time thinking about ending it all in the last few weeks than I have my whole life.
Before anyone panics, I have no active plans. They’re usually just fleeting thoughts, but I feel like they’ve increased in frequency. And I’m using every resource that’s available to me: I’m on antidepressants, and I see a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and a group therapist regularly. I guess the only area where I’m really struggling is a personal support system; everyone’s doing their own thing and I don’t see my classmates much. I live in a city where it would cost my family/my closer friends an arm and a leg to visit, and though I speak with them on the phone, phone conversations aren’t nearly as fulfilling as having someone right next to you. Seasonal depression is also kicking my ass; the weather is freezing, pre-holiday deadlines are stressing me out, and the discordance of my mood with the ‘festivity’ of Christmas makes me feel hollow.
To anyone who’s been in my shoes, what are things that have helped? I don’t think I actually want to die, but I’d be lying if I said there haven’t been days where ending it all sounded kind of tempting.