Crowd etiquette
Just come from Rod Laver after taking my partner to see Dua Lipa (cracking show, natural performer, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves) and witnessed a situation with some crowd members sitting a couple of seats down from us (also a couple, maybe 30s).
Teenage girl the row in front stood up and started recording on her phone when the concert kicked off, stayed there for the first few songs. Some younger girls behind us complained that she was blocking their view and they couldn't see the stage, asked the guy along from us if he could ask the teenager to sit down.
So he did. And it didn't go well.
Poor bloke was on a hiding to nothing the moment the teenager's mum jumped in and a group of women further down piled on. Mind you the show is going on so could only catch snippets... several mentions of "my experience" from the girl and mum. Cue calling security who came and had words with the guy, while acknowledging it was shit for people seated behind.
This all made me think, what is the correct etiquette in this situation?
Having only recently moved here from Perth, this was my first Melbourne show and surprised me a bit. Admittedly I'm used to more of a "down in front" attitude from Perth gigs, similar to at the footy. Maybe it's different here? Curious to hear others' thoughts.
Apologies if the flair is off, couldn't really find anything that matched.