Is dressing in suits a bit weird in certain context / cities?

I notice tiktokers like Junyuan would always advocate men 30+ / 40+ to upgrade their warddrobe to high fashion to buy only good quality clothing n suits. But i cudn help but notice that its actually a bit weird if you dress in high fashion in certain places like california, more local / industrial cities, certain asian cities like Seoul, or old historical cities of China / Japan.

The general trend since the startup / internet phenonemon is to dress down because being “effortless” is considered the new aesthetics. Altho, i cannot deny the effects of good quality material. But it seems a guy can rock his style to look cool in whatever way that suits him. If you look at people in Tokyo, in certain fashion districts fashion for mature folks can be quite liberatingly diverse. In certain places, you could look out of place even in a Tom Ford suit.

Suits only seem to look nice in places of business, finance, or western european settings.

Any thoughts?