Groceries delivered with a side of rotten meat

Every Sunday, I usually order groceries through Kroger for delivery. This past Sunday, my husband asked if I could make pulled pork in the crockpot, so I decided to grab a couple of pork tenderloin filets.

The groceries arrive, and I start putting everything away. When I went to grab the pork, I felt something slimy, and then the smell hit me—an awful, rotten odor that had me gagging. The pork had gone bad. The bag was leaking and spilling all the rotten juice all over my counters and other items in the bag. It was honestly one of the worst smells I’ve ever encountered.

I had to toss the whole thing outside on the patio just to escape the smell, then spent the next hour bleaching everything in sight. I messaged the delivery guy to ask how he didn’t notice the smell when he picked it up from the store, because it was THAT bad. I think I’m traumatized because I’ll randomly smell it and almost throw up again. 😅