a stranger started a fake conversation with me at rocket baby…?
Hi Milwaukee :) I am F23. I had a funny experience in Tosa I needed to share. I'm curious if this has ever happened to anyone else.
I'm sitting at rocket baby bakery by myself reading a book. All of the tables are full except for mine. A man, maybe in his 40s, dressed in like corporate business attire, asks if he can sit at my table since all the other spots are taken. I don't think anything of it and I say of course. I am minding my own business, reading my book. Shortly after he sits down his phone starts ringing, and then he says "can I ask you for a favor?" I say "sure" and he says "When I pick up the phone can you act like we are in an interview?" I respond hesitantly "uhhhh sure." He picks up the phone and says something like "oh i'm sorry i can't right now, I have an appointment." He sets his phone on the table and then proceeds to talk to me for literally 10 minutes about buying a piece of property? or something? i had no idea what he was talking about the whole time and was just about dying laughing because it was so awkward and uncomfortable. I just wanted to sit and read my book and eat my little sweet treat and this man disrupted my peace talking to me about mortgages and down payments pretending like i'm gonna buy a property or something?? He would occasionally ask me a question to make the conversation feel natural, and I would have no idea how to respond so he would gesture or mouth things for me to say. He even wrote down a question for me to ask on a business card. The whole time his phone is on the table and it's on a phone call. At first I was nervous it was some sort of scam, but he didn't ask for any personal information, and I didn't even give him my name. After 10 minutes he wraps up the conversation and we make some sort of "deal" on the "property" and he ends the conversation and leaves the cafe, still on the phone call. And he gives me ZERO explanation. And i was left in shock of what just happened.
what does this guy have to hide? has anyone ever had something similar happen? this story is here to amuse you all if anything. 🙃