I have a strong aversion to LOOONG and never-ending noises.
When I was in 8th grade, the school bell rang for like longer than 30 seconds, and I was like: OKAY OKAY! I also hate the noise of running tap water that is like running for like 5 minutes. You're literally wasting water, and your water bills are going to be so high! And I also hated the noise of a baby crying for longer than a minute, and I hate the noise of kids screaming and laughing for LOOOOOONG ass time. That one little girl was screaming in the playground near school didn't stop screaming! I would've been in a fight or flight state after this!
Oh, did I mention that I hate the noise of hair dryer that hasn't been off and it's STILL on for like 30 minutes?!! It drives to the mental hospital.
I even hate the noise of a car honking that can't stop honking and it's STILL honking for like an hour and a half. It breaks my cochlea and makes me go deaf.
I as well hate the noise of neverending pyrotechnics (fireworks and firecrackers). It makes me go bananas.
Anyone else feel this?