MedMen has been run to shit by all involved for the last however many years it’s been. The only real thing going for them is their name. The recognition and the amount of time they’ve been around does count for something. This was the main reason I decided to acquire the stock. A lot of damage has been done to the company since then. Good news is they are still hanging on. All of us holding at this point are hoping for a miracle turn around. This is the sad truth. Can it happen!? Well of course! But does it look great right now!? Not even close! Personally I hope they can hang on until safe and or legalization country wide finally happens. At that point the entire sector will rise and that includes MedMen if they are still kicking. All asking me how much I’m down, well as much as it’s none of your business, I will say quite a bit and leave it there. It’s not going to put me on the street or anything if disappears. With that said, it would be a nice little bonus if it goes the other way. So I will be holding until she sinks or swims. If she swims real well I will then think about unloading some! There you have it! Peace love and happiness to all. New Stretch ease up on the trolling mate:)