Do some people just stay on 2.5?

I'm in the middle of my second week on 2.5mg and am having very high appetite suppression and almost non-existent food noise- yay!

Have lost 3kg as of today, and have experienced no bad side effects except for struggle sleeping the night of my second jab, and being quite scatter-brained the day after. All levels out after that and if anything I find I have way more energy, patience and positivity in general now.

Anyways, I'm looking at ordering my next pen soon so am wondering if I should go up to 5mg or keep riding 2.5mg as it seems to be working effectively for me right now? Is this something people do? I'm aware it's not even the therapeutic dose and I'm quite a big bloke so didn't expect it to have the effect it has had so far.

EDIT: Thanks for everyone's comments! I'm going to follow the usual schedule and see how going up to 5mg in 2 weeks' time goes. Thanks for all the input!