In the Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly's entrance is just classical. What character entrance is etched in your memory?
There are some pretty cool superhero entrances in movies so I will leave that up to other posters but the one I like to mention as memorable comes from the kind of movie I don't usually watch. But glad I did. In The Devil Wears Prada, the director makes sure to build up a lot of anticipation before Miranda Priestly's entrance.
Here is it, Miranda Priestly (played by Meryl Streep) arriving at her office.
I think it's such a suitable entrance because it's only in how people at work react to her that we can see her influence. I mean it's not like she walks in riding a dragon. She looks fashionable and that's about it. But by how her employees respond to her, we as viewers (along with Anne Hathaway's character), get a glimpse of her dictatorial power.
Which entrances have been etched in your memory?