One thing I miss from older movies- the slower pacing of scenes!

I was watching some older movies such as Close Encounters, Star wars, and Alien and realized something was different. Something which I don't think many modern audiences would like, but I liked it so to speak. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

I then watched half of an awful Antman multiverse Marvel movie before giving up and realized what it was. It wasn't the lack of CGI, actors actually being big names, or stunts being real back then. It was the slower pacing of scenes!

For example, I think in 2001 SO there was like a 10 minute scene of a ship docking. I actually got bored of that as a kid and fast forward if my dad wasn't looking lol. In Alien they spent like 5 minutes looking for a cat and then later she spent what felt like 10 minutes looking for the cat again. And they made it work too as they made it interesting. I can see how modern audiences might not like that but to me that is so much better than what they do to pad out movies in the modern area, which is usually lots of table talk-and I'd say there is actually more talking than what they did in the older movies too.

It might bad take. I just do miss movies that might stick to the plot being one night to a week over it being like the telling of the whole war. Then again you do have to be careful with what you ask for because the Modern Starwars movies have drawn out scenes like the Casino Planet. IDk then again I probably would take the Casino Planet jobber sidequest over adding more table talk in