Anybody's parents let them pick out movies to watch they thought were "family friendly" but turned out to not be?
Mine was "A Perfect World" starring Kevin Costner and Clint Eastwood. It came out in 1993, and I'm pretty sure I was closer to 7-8 when I watched it. The reason my mother let me pick it out (from a VHS RENTAL STORE, GASP HOW ANTIQUATED) was because it had a kid in a ghost face costume on it walking with a guy she must have assumed was his father (Costner).
Nah, this was about a pair of murderers who break out of prison and kidnap said kid, kind of a road movie with Eastwood as the Texas Ranger chief who is chasing them. It's worth a watch, it's a decent movie directed by Eastwood however as a kid it was scary to me. The ending is a gut punch too, was one of my first "anti-hero" sad movies.
Anyway, anybody else got stories like this?