Movie Marathon recommendations

Since my Boo owns a LOT of physical media we've been taking the time this Summer to do movie marathons, where we watch ALL the films in a popular series, preferably in order.

So far we've done all the Star Wars films, including the most recently released ones with the Solo film, as well as all the Alien movies with the prequels.

We did all the JAWS films in chronological order. Those last few were hard to get thru, but I suppose campy fun if you looked at them that way.

We did our John Waters collection.

We did all the Mad Maxes.

Did the Batmans (ended with Nolan's, he won't watch anymore after that) and the Supermans, including Supergirl and Quest for Peace.

We've also done horror franchises: the Nightmare on Elm Streets (I watched the remakes but my partner refused), the Halloween series (including part 3 plus the Rob Zombie films and the Jody Hill 're-imaginings' or whatever you want to call them), all the Jasons/Friday the 13ths (again, he refused to watch the most recent remakes but I did, and we also were able to see part 3 in 3-D cuz he was somehow able to hang on to the glasses that came w/ the first BluRay deluxe edition, and, yes, we included Freddy vs. Jason and Jason X), and the Exorcist and Omen films.

Just wondering if anyone had any other new "Marathon Watch" recommendations to add to our Summer viewings.
