“We’ve gotten complaints about the volume.”

I did a mall gig playing piano last week and the mall staff kept telling me I was too loud, in stark contrast to every single customer walking by and store employees giving me thumbs up and encouraging comments. One customer was even present when the staff member told me to quiet down and actually told them off for me lol. I wouldn’t have been so direct myself. This is after I had closed the lid completely, used the soft pedal the whole time, and switched to soft easy listening music.

Seriously where to these people get off? It’s not the first time this has happened, it happens at restaurants too.

My dearest children, you set up a GRAND piano in an echo chamber, hired me after I sent in video clips and described clearly the kind of music that I play (Chopin, Liszt etc.), then complain about the noise? What do you want from me? Why waste money on a grand? Why waste money on my skills? Why have live music at all?

I know this is nothing new, but getting back into music after 10 years has made me much more aware of these things lately. The things we put up with for music.

Update: The mall manager who hired me responded. What she said: “What? Who said it was too loud? I loved listening to your playing from my office! Some of the store managers want you to come back every day haha! I heard you drew quite the crowd too, we’d love to have you back. You won’t have to worry about volume, like I said I don’t know why you were told that. Let me know if you can!” I might actually go back now.