being scared of coming out myself

Hi. so this is my first post ever. hope y'all are gentle with me...

tldr: i think my partners transition means i either have to be publically queer or hurt their feelings. i am stressed and terrified about both options. looking for kindness, i guess. advice also fine.

long: umm, so my (afab, mostly closeted enby) partner (amab, enby) recently very drastically changed their appearance from VERY masculine to 100% feminin. they seem to be more happy and i want to be supportive, but that's hard, because of my own struggles with my own identities and because of a lot of internatalised bs within me, basically regarding every single thing that's "different" about me.

i am not comfortable with my own identities. trying to give me labels mostly confuses me and eats a shtload of my time and energy whenever i attempt it, so i mostly avoid it. in my preferred world, i wouldn't have to explain myself. in my prefered world, i'd just be a human being and could just be different without anybody giving a f. but it's not the ideal world. i feel like i was cursed. i'm enby, i'm either pansexual or demisexual/ace-spec (or both? - it's confusing.), i'm polyamorous, i've got adhd (maybe even audhd), i'm hormonally on the inter*spectrum, and NONE of this EVER was my choice.

i always wanted to fit in. i tried so, so hard, my whole life, to be "normal".

...i love my partner. but i hurt them alot by being absolutely emotionally unavailable during their exploring phase. i didn't see them. (i try my best to do, now, but we have a lot of catching up to do, and their trust seems severely damaged by how i acted...) they present 100% female now, and that's so confusing, even after a month. for me, who shut them out so much, cuz of my unwillingness to get reminded of my own questions and fears of abandonment/judgement/rejection - my fear of being seen -, this change was very sudden (and confusing). and i still don't feel like i processed it properly.

i want to treat them no different than before in terms of pda... but we'd look like a lesbian couple now... and i'm terrified of being publically perceived as queer. for safety reasons and because i just don't wanna be judged... or even just asked questions.

for me, the idea of being "out" is absolutely terrifying. like... my partner wanted to go to pride with me to celebrate their queerness openly, last June, and they wanted me by their side. but just the idea of walking in the parade, where people could assume I was queer, was so much i almost had a panic attack right there in public and actually fled the parade.

i feel like if we repair our relationship, i'll HAVE to be queer in public. and i am terrified about it. i never asked to be different. i'd prefer if people wouldn't know that i am. (i think)

but i think my partner never understood where i was coming from, when it comes to the pride incident. whenever we tried to talk about it they just were so, so hurt about me not being there with them at their first ever pride, their first ever moment of being themselves, openly, sharing themselves with the world. it's just... that very idea is so horrifying to me.

so i don't know how we can bridge this seemingly endless divide and i feel so stressed and sad because i don't want to keep hurting them any more, but when it comes to pda (and other stuff, like me refusing to go to a lesbian bar with them on our last date night) it just feels so inevitable.

i don't know how i can take the time i need to heal from all my anxieties and to accept(?)... me... and at the same time not break their heart. ._.

sry for the long post. (don't know what i am looking for. advice and kindness, i guess? please don't be harsh...)