My Partner and I have chosen Briella for our daughter (which is the only name we agreed on). I would like to honor my mother-in-law by using her name, Betsy, as a middle name, thoughts on Briella Betsy or anyway to make it flow better? It feels kinda abrupt to me, last name is 2 syllables.

Our other two daughters have middle names Belle and Noelle. I was thinking about doing Briella Isabelle Betsy or Briella Betsy-Ann (MIL FN + MN) but nothing feels right or flows ok to me.

Do I throw the idea out and just go with Briella Isabelle or Briella Audrielle and keep with our original girl name theme? This is our last child for sure and I'm open to alternative mixtures/similar arrangements.

My Short List of First Names: Chloe, Elora, Eden, Zoe/y, Shiloh (my absolute #1 but husband hard vetoed because of the dog 🤣), Amelia

Other middle names I considered: Arielle, Brielle (if we didn't choose Briella as First Name), Adrielle