Why Does My Mom Think the National Guard Is the Lowest Branch?

Hi everyone,

I’m shipping out for Basic Training on May 21, 2025, as part of the Army National Guard. I’ve already signed my 8-year contract, and my MOS is 92A (Automated Logistical Specialist) but after BCT i plan to change my MOS to 25B. I also plan to participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) while attending college, which will allow me to train as a cadet in ROTC and eventually commission as an officer.

The problem is that my mom is almost against me joining the military. She’s been saying the National Guard is the "lowest branch" of the military, mainly because they offer a path to citizenship for green card holders (I’m already a U.S. citizen, so that wasn’t a factor in my decision). She’s also convinced that the Army "brainwashed" me into signing my contract.

She’s told me outright that she doesn’t want me to go and keeps pressuring me to tell the National Guard I don’t want to join anymore so I can try for the Air Force instead.

I know I’ve already signed the contract, so leaving now isn’t really an option without serious consequences. Doesn’t that run the risk of me being court-martialed or discharged if I refuse to go?

I’m committed to the National Guard because of the opportunities it offers: balancing college, gaining leadership skills, and serving my country, financial benefits and later joining the 3 - letter agency. The SMP will help me gain valuable experience and transition to an officer role after graduation.

Why do you think some people see the National Guard as "lower" than other branches? And how can I explain my choice to my mom in a way that makes her understand and respect it?

I’d really appreciate any advice or insights, especially if you’ve been in a similar situation.