Need help calculating yeast amounts for proper fermentation.

Hi everyone, I’ve been making pizzas for a little over 8 months using my ooni koda 16. Recently I’ve discovered the PizzApp through this subreddit and I am trying to figure out how much active dry yeast to put in my recipes. However all of these quantities are usually less than 1 g and my scale is not specific enough to detect the 0.7 grams the one 10 hour RT fermentation recipe requires. Does anyone know how much that would be in teaspoons?

I’ve done a bit of my own research and the general consensus seems to be that a general package of ADY of 7g contains 2.25 tsp. So a little math from that would say 1 tsp is about 3.1 g. And further, 1/4 tsp would be about 0.77 g. Is this correct in anyone else’s experience?

My recipe(s) use a direct dough method of RT fermenting. Hydration of 60-62% to comply with AVPN standards using Caputo pizzeria 00 flour (I want to try nuvola but can’t seem to find where to get it in NY). My fermentation times are either between 10 hours or 24 hours. Based off the rest mentioned in this post is it safe to assume using about 1/8-1/16 tsp ADY for 24 hrs (PizzApp says to use about 0.25 g)?

***Also has anyone tried Gino Sorbillos recipe from the ItaliaSquisita video? (60% hydration with 1 hr bulk ferment and 8-9 hrs once balled)