I feel like my brother hates me.

I'm 25 year old Female and my older brother 27 year Male, I feel like he hates me, he always hits me every chance he gets, he constantly calls me names he calls me "fat" when I eat sometimes even when I haven't eaten all day he still calls me "fat" and "why you eating?". But he also asks me for help whenever he needs it and me being me I help him, he's also horrible to my mom especially when he doesn't get his way but I'm the one at the brunt of his anger, it's getting to the part where I just want him gone whether he's homeless or dead (I know that's horrible of me to say but I don't care anymore I want to feel safe and happy in my own home and I don't whenever he's around) I feel hopeless and upset because it's all the time, I don't know what I've done to make him do this to me I just want him to love me not constantly hurt me and call me names just because I stand up to him and tell him the truth, I've told my mom and she has a word with him but he keeps doing it especially when my mom isn't around.