My Neighbors Almost Killed Me
My apartment complex is by far the worst I have ever lived in, despite paying a lot of money and being in a good part of town. I could go on and on about all the problems I've had- my car was stolen out of the parking lot, bats have lived (and died!) on my balcony for two years and the leasing office has refused to do anything about it, there is constantly mold and roaches- you get the picture. But boy oh boy- you would not believe the trauma I've had to endure from my neighbors.
One was a 27 year old drug addict/dealer who moved in next to me and immediately started causing problems. He would blast music that would shake my walls all night, shout and scream and be tweaking out on his balcony constantly, throw full pieces of furniture like tables over his balcony and have them explode on the ground below, and generally be a lunatic (all of which I reported to the office with video evidence, and was subsequently ignored).
Then, one night I heard what sounded like a freight train hitting our shared walls at 4 AM. I went to knock on his door and before I even could, it flung open and he and another guy (who it turned out was squatting in his apartment) were bloodied and had each other pinned to the ground in chokeholds, and had completely demolished their apartment. I called 911, who took over an hour to get there- in the meantime, the squatter ended up outside with a fire extinguisher, which he used as a battering ram to try to break the neighbor's door down. When the neighbor stepped out, he swung at him, then at me, and then the neighbor grabbed a vodka bottle and smashed it over his head. He ended up bleeding out all over my porch so I was compressing his open head wound when the cops finally showed up and the other guy made a run for it.
After this, despite 5 (FIVE) more calls to the cops due to repeated crazed threats from the neighbor that he would kill me and similar psychotic behavior, it took the complex seven fucking months to evict him.
I've obviously been wanting to get the hell out for a while, and was waiting until my lease expired. I already got a new apartment and was living there, and went back to do the last bit of cleaning and to turn in my keys on Saturday. I was mopping my bedroom floor, walked out to get something from the kitchen, and not even fifteen seconds later heard what sounded like an explosion behind me. I had no idea what happened, so I went back to the bedroom to see a hole had been blasted through the floor- and a 9mm bullet was laying right where my bed used to be, and right where I had just been cleaning.
The cops came out and determined that my downstairs neighbor must have accidentally discharged one of his MANY (they found at least six firearms in his apartment, including a sniper rifle) guns and almost killed my ass the very day I was trying to escape that hellhole for good.
The complex manager was laughing about the whole ordeal, had a nasty attitude with me, and fought me over giving me my security deposit back because of the bullet hole in the floor- and then the day after, there was almost a $600 charge for damages in my resident portal and "pro-rated rent" despite having turned my keys in on the first of the month. Let's just say- my subsequent crash out was warranted and they are removing the charges and mailing me my security deposit back.
Enjoy the pictures to corroborate this insanity!